Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb 28 2011

We are done to 4 days until we know the results of this FET! Oh my goodness....every day I wake up and ask Kevin if I can pee on a stick! He laughs at me because he knows I am too chicken to do so, but the thought is still very much there!

So I am not sure if I am feeling pregnant or not...everyone now and then I get a small wave of nausea, but I am not sure if it is my mind playing games with me! I want so bad to be pregnant so I am not sure if it is mental or real...only time and a blood test will tell!

As for med lineup, things are still the same. Kevin has gotten great at giving shots so Kara is no longer having to come over every other night! :) I am feeling extremely bloated but other than that things are great....come on Friday!!!!

In other news...Baby Girl Wagoner was born at 4:48 am! Mommy and Baby are doing well and the kiddos are so excited to have their new baby sister here! I can't wait to get my hands on her!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb 21 2011

So much has happened since last posting.

We have moved into our new house and there is stuff everywhere...oh will get done eventually! :)

We began IM shots on Feb 16 and Kev was a little nervous about those! We called Mrs. Kara Hood to come over and save the day! She was done in 2 seconds...seriously amazing how quick someone in the medical field can be!

The IM shots are no JOKE! They hurt BAD!!! Not so much the process, just later! My muscle was/is so tight I have a hard time walking! I actually have a slight limp! Kara came over again on Friday evening (Feb 18) and gave me my next one as well! BUT...Kev stepped up last night (Feb 20) and did it...for the record he did great...just not as quick as Kara!

Feb 19...the big day came and I was wide awake at 430 in the morning....our appointment was at 8 so we had to leave by 730! Mom and Dad came for the weekend to watch Peyton so there were no worries there!

Kev and I both got up, took showers, made sure we had all we needed (Ipad, Camera, medicine, etc) so much going on!!! On the way there, we always stop at Chick-fil-A and this day we had a spicy chicken biscuit and a hashrounds, coke and diet coke!

Off we went and arrived about 10 minutes early...For us...that is a miracle!

We went in sat down for maybe 5 minutes and I went back for my massage and acupuncture. Kev waited until I was done with both of those which ended up being about and hour. About 1030 the embryologist came into the room to discuss our beautiful embryos. They were frozen as 8 cell grade A! Which is wonderful and as of Saturday morning they had already morphed into 9 cells...such a relief the both thawed.

Dr. Robin came in and placed our 2 embryos into my uterus. Everything went so was almost a little scary!

After transfer, I laid on the table for 30 minutes and such a long 30 minutes it was...I had to pee something terrible! As soon as I could I got up and went to the restroom!

Into the car we went and back home we came where I laid on the couch and the bed for 24 hours! That is the hard part...not being able to do a thing!

So all has been going we are in the dreaded 2 Week Wait!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feb 16 2011

Today was our cath fitting with Dr. Robin! What an awesome lady she is!!! Everything went very smoothly without too much pain! Such a relief!

Nothing much going on...tonight is the big night....IM SHOTS!! Kev is not too happy about it, but I think he will do great!

So that brings our medicine lineup as of today...
2 metformin
1 medrol
2 doxycicline
1 prenatal vitamin
1 baby aspirin
3 prometrium (inserted :)


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb 13 2011

We went in for an appointment on Sunday Feb 13 and had a quick ultrasound and blood draw! All looked fine with the ultrasound and my lining was at 8.3 which is good! That number is higher than before! As of today..Feb 15 tonight is the last lupron shot and then the real fun begins!

So med line up is as follows...
Took off 4 patches today and replaced with 2
1 baby aspirin
1 prenatal vitamin
2 metformin
1o units of lupron...

all of this changes tomorrow when we go in for the cath fitting! So crazy that we will be pregnant as of Saturday! My emotions are all over the board!

Friday, February 11, 2011

So Busy

Lately things have been crazy busy! FYB is up and running, we are going on our first full week! Business is very slow, but we are hoping it picks up, especially once we change our name!

The house is almost done...THANK THE LORD!!! We are supposed to be moving in one week from TODAY!!! That would be on Feb 18 2011. Can't hardly believe it! Hoping everything will run smoothly the next week so we get in on time!

FET #2 is scheduled for Feb 19...yes that is the day after we move in! So much going on! As for medication, currently we are taking 2 metformin, 1 baby aspirin, 10cc of lupron and estrogen patches every other day! We have another appointment scheduled for Sunday morning to check levels and an ultrasound. After that we go in for a cath fitting and then it is the big day! I so can't believe this is happening so quickly!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Catch up

So Yesterday was Feb 1 (Noni's Bday) and we had a doctor appointment. It was just an ultrasound, lab work and collect our money!

As far as medicine goes, currently I am taking 1 baby aspirin, 2 metformin, 2 doxycline, 10 units of lupron and as of today i have added estrogen patches. I am on medicine overload! The worst part is that the medicine makes me feel horrible sometimes! BLAH!!!

Our next appointment is on Feb 13...not sure what that will be...nothing major though!